Please follow the links below to the important documents and legal issues:


Royal House of Portugal - Subject of the International Law

The Royal Decree and "Article 98" of 1835

The declaration by Dom Carlos I, the King

The Baptism documents of Dona Maria Pia

The testimonies about the identity of Dona Maria Pia

The sentence by the "Sacra Romana Rota" in favour of Dona Maria Pia, against Dom Duarte

Dona Maria Pia's Sovereign Act No.III, Modification of the Monarchic Constitution

The blood-relationship document

The abdication of Dona Maria Pia in favour of Dom Rosario

The letters of Power of Attorney and procurement for Dom Rosario by Dona Maria Pia

The registration of the Royal House in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Portugal

 The sentence by the San Marino Court, in favour of Dom Rosario

The Act of Precept against Dom Duarte Pio

 The Provisorial Constitution of the Royal House of Portugal

General Norms of Charter FUCREP

Declarations of Human Rights

Vienna Convention: Diplomatic Relations

Vienna Convention: Consular Relations

Some Royal Decrees