The Unique truth


The death of Dom João VI in 1826, created serious problems to the political situation in Portugal, due to the creation of two opposite fractions in the country, led by the Infants of Portugal. The Liberal Fraction, led by Dom Pedro, who was nominated Imperor of Brazil, in 1822, and the Absolutists Fraction, led by Prince Dom Miguel. In the occasion of King Dom João's death, Dom Pedro nominated his daughter, Dona Maria II, Queen of Portugal. In 1828, Dom Miguel overthrew Queen Dona Maria II, and initiated a period of civil war, which ceased with the re-entry of Dom Pedro, who brought the legitimacy back and expelled his brother Dom Miguel. Following his defeat and surrender in May 1834, Dom Miguel remained without his royal status, the Courts declared HIM AND ALL HIS DESCENDANTS FOR EVER INELIGIBLE TO SUCCEED TO THE CROWN AND FORBADE THEM, UNDER DEATH PENNALTY , to return to Portugal.

Following those facts, a new Monarchic Constitution was promulgated in 1838, never revoked, which in article 98 categorically states as follows:


"The collateral line of the ex-infant Dom Miguel and all his descendants are perpetually excluded from the succession"


Afterwards, the revolutionary movements, that exploded in 1910, led to the assassination of HM King Dom Carlos I and HRH hereditary, Prince Dom Luiz. The Throne passed over to HM King Dom Manuel II, who, after a short period of reign in his own country, died in exile in London, without issue, on July 2nd 1932. According to the Political Constitution of the Portuguese Monarchy of 1838, chapter III, articles 96 - 100, the succession to the Chiefship of the Name and Arms of the Royal House of Portugal follows the order of succession to the Crown of Portugal and the Algarves. Following the death of Dom Manuel II, the immediate successor to the Crown of Portugal became his stepsister, HRH Dona Maria Pia de Saxon Coburg Bragança , who was baptised to the will of her Father, HM the King Dom Carlos I in the parish of Acalà in Madrid , who attributed, to his beloved daughter, all the honours, privileges, and rights of the Infants of Portugal. The ones of Royal Princess by birth.

In those dark years for Portugal, an individual named António Salazar was appointed Minister of Finance of the Portuguese Republic. A few years later, he became Portugal's fascist leader and dictator. During World War II he showned his character, giving support to both sides of the conflict. After the war, even though Portugal was in serious financial difficulties, Salazar did not accept the Marshall Plan, fearing that the truth about Democracy, being far from reality in his country, could be discovered. Losing popularity, he decided to allow the descendants of Dom Miguel , at that time living in Switzerland, to return to Portugal.

He did so, as he knew for sure (as he personally confirmed in 1966), that they were of no danger for him. At the same time, HRH Dona Maria Pia strongly supported the Anti Fascist and deliberation movements. In fact back in 1962, Dom Duarte was forbidden to identify himself as heir to the Crown or even as a representative of the Royal House of Portugal.

Therefore, historically and legally, there are no doubts about the legitimacy of the Constitutional line Saxon Coburg Gotha of Bragança ( which is strange to the encroaching line of Bragança Orléans ). Not so politically, on the contrary, a massacre of the legitimacy and history is witnessed. Actually, during the period of republican government presided by Salazar, the dictator, the property of the Royal family of Saxon Coburg Gotha and Bragança , have been constituted into a foundation, to the guidance of which was called a representative of the very same collateral line the one excluded perpetually from the succession to the throne, and who was not a Saxon Coburg Gotha and Bragança.

That act had got an exclusive political value, as far as no one of the legitimate heirs to the Crown would ever had valued any act of the Salazar regime.

Being aware of HRH Dona Maria Pia's growing popularity, the Secretary General of the High Council of the State of the Republic of Portugal, although the Republican authorities were not competent to amend or abrogate the Monarchic Constitution nor it is in their powers to amend Constitutional Succession to the Crown of the Monarchy, declared that "after the death of Dom Manuel II, the last reigning King of Portugal, the representation of the House of Bragança was taken over by Dom Duarte Nuno de Bragança", even if a representative of the collateral line of ex-infant Dom Miguel, Dom Duarte Nuno, as well as his son Dom Duarte Pio, were EXCLUDED BY THE CONSTITUTION from the succession to the Chiefship of the House.

Referring to the above declaration, Dom Duarte Nuno has instigated proceedings at the Apostolic Tribunal SACRA ROMANA ROTA against HRH Dona Maria Pia, seeking removal of the name of HM King Carlos I, from the baptismal certificates , as being her father.

Although the case named "Duarte versus Bragança", was open for almost ten years (1972 - 1982) the plaintiff failed to prove in Court that he, Dom Duarte Nuno, was a member of the Royal House of Portugal. The Tribunal passed a Negative judgement , and the Portuguese Ambassador to the Holy See attested the verdict.

It is hardly worthwhile to remember how the claimed Pact of Paris (the will to recognise the legitimacy of the descendants of Dom Miguel which is supposed to be manifested by HM Dom Manuel before his death) is just a vulgar mystification, for which, in fact, nobody could cause any proper document, because of a simple fact that it does not exist

However, the authenticity of the particulars concerning HRH Dona Maria Pia's parentage , baptism as recorded in baptismal records , and the authenticity of the Royal Decree "Documento Unico", under the great seal of the State of the Kingdom of Portugal, whereby HM the King Dom Carlos I legitimises his daughter, gives her the names Maria Pia, after his mother, and conferes upon her "ALL HONOURS, PREROGATIVES AND PRIVILEGES, OBLIGATIONS AND ADVANTAGES THAT BELONG TO THE INFANTS OF THE HOUSE OF BRAGANÇA OF PORTUGAL", were not under any dispute.

Dona Maria Pia, XXI Duchess of Bragança , after having executed the documents of blood relationship , has undersigned, in 1987, a solemn Act of Abdication in favour of HRH Dom Rosario, who became the legitimate XXII Duke of Bragança, instantly recognised by the Holy Roman Church with which the Royal House is maintaining close relations.

The constitutional line of the Royal House, while representing a Crown never weakened, maintains "in pectore et in potentia" all the characteristics proper to the Sovereigns, which includes the execution of the "jus majestatis, jus imperii, jus gladii, jus honorum".

The very last reigning King of Portugal, HM Dom Manuel, as well as HRH Dona Maria Pia and at the end HRH Dom Rosario, have never renounced to the legitimate claim to the Portuguese Crown, perpetuating in time of conflict of Constitutional legitimacy in the Country, accepting the fact, that it has to be Portuguese people who have to pronounce the institutional form.

According to the principles of the International Public Law, the subjectivity to the International Law, and equalization in all to a Head of the State, is recognised to the person of HRH Dom Rosario, to whom also the Vienna Convention of 1961 and 1963 is applicable.

Various legal organs of the States have expressed themselves in this sense, specifically and properly referring to HRH Dom Rosario as the actual Duke of Bragança.

The Royal House is holding part of the International Institute for Diplomatic Relations founded in 1977 by Dom Rosario and cofounders, diplomatic and consular representatives of 39 Countries.